Wednesday 24 June 2009

Botanics and time


This seems to be my favorite motif at the moment. Hundekjeks in Norwegian. Cow-parsley in English. Anthriscus sylvestris in Latin. It's one of the most common field-flowers I can think of. I never used to pay attention to them, but this summer I see them and I'm intrigued by their beauty. Describing the beauty of flowers is a futile endeavor, no need to try. They are speaking for themselves by their own appearance.


I would like to use this for printing, but have not quite figured out how. I'm planning to take a course after summer, to learn screen printing. My attempts so far have not been successful, I must admit. Screen printing demands time, planning and it does take some practice. Time is not in abundance at the moment. I work two days a week, and when I'm at home I take care of my eleven months old daughter.


Which is a very good thing, indeed. Seeing her growing and learning new things every day. This period of her life is so important, and I want to be around her as much as possible. But it is not much time left for doing my own stuff . So I need to be patient. I will have to limit myself to stencil printing, which is much less demanding than screen printing. In autumn my man will take his paternal leave, six weeks, and I will have more time.

Some colors from a stay in our friends cabin by the sea.
